1.安徽大学 物质科学与信息技术研究院,安徽 合肥 230601
2.武汉大学 工业科学研究院,湖北 武汉 430072
3.剑桥大学 工程系,英国 剑桥 CB2 1PZ
张梦蝶,女,硕士生,现从事半导体器件方面的研究,E-mail: q21201006@stu.ahu.edu.cn
季雯,女,硕士生,现从事半导体相关第一性原理方面的研究,E-mail: q22301206@stu.ahu.edu.cn
E-mail: rc921@cam.ac.uk,
E-mail: xitang@ahu.edu.cn
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张梦蝶,季雯,曹茹月, 等.背栅效应下氮化镓功率器件中的载流子缺陷能级与结构研究[J].武汉大学学报(理学版),XXXX,XX(XX):1-6. DOI:10.14188/j.1671-8836.2024.0098.
ZHANG Mengdie,JI Wen,CAO Ruyue,et al.Research on Energy Levels and Structures of Carrier Defects in GaN Power Devices under Back-Gating Effects [J].J Wuhan Univ (Nat Sci Ed),XXXX,XX(XX):1-6. DOI:10.14188/j.1671-8836.2024.0098(Ch).
张梦蝶,季雯,曹茹月, 等.背栅效应下氮化镓功率器件中的载流子缺陷能级与结构研究[J].武汉大学学报(理学版),XXXX,XX(XX):1-6. DOI:10.14188/j.1671-8836.2024.0098. DOI:
ZHANG Mengdie,JI Wen,CAO Ruyue,et al.Research on Energy Levels and Structures of Carrier Defects in GaN Power Devices under Back-Gating Effects [J].J Wuhan Univ (Nat Sci Ed),XXXX,XX(XX):1-6. DOI:10.14188/j.1671-8836.2024.0098(Ch). DOI:
通过实验表征和理论计算为氮化镓功率器件中的材料缺陷和背栅效应之间提供了物理联系。首先制备了硅基氮化镓高电子迁移率晶体管;然后采用电流瞬态方法研究了器件中背栅效应下的缺陷能级,基于时间常数谱和阿伦尼乌斯定律分析,确定了三种主要的电子缺陷能级,分别为0.169、0.240和0.405 eV;最后,利用第一性原理计算研究了缺陷的可能结构。
The physical link between material defects and back-gating effects in GaN power devices is provided by both experiments and calculations. GaN high electron-mobility transistors were first fabricated on GaN-on-Si platform. Then
the defect level under back-gating effects were investigated by the current transient method. Three major electron defects were identified based on the time-constant spectra and Arrhenius law with energy levels of 0.169
and 0.405 eV
respectively. Finally
the possible structures of the defects were investigated by first-principles calculations.
back-gating effectscurrent transient methoddefect levelfirst-principles calculations
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